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Tuesday, December 10, 2013


~Forever Sweet Chocolate~

Hello~ ^^)//
Thanks a lot for read my posts and check my blog out~ I’m nothing without you (~  =w=)~

Now, I’m gonna reveal some facts about Forever Sweet Chocolate and maybe, a little things about myself too. Okay now, lets start~!! ^^)//

<<Firstly, is it your first time to write ADAMS Fanfiction? >>

No, actually not. I’ve write two different stories before but, Forever Sweet Chocolate is the only story that got a nice progress XD
My other stories are “HIGHFeeL  Story”  it’s a comedy, and “Kimi no Sei”  it’s an angst, a SongFict, actually~

<< Why did you choose “Highschool boys” as a theme for this fanfict? >>

Oh that’s—it’s because in an interview, Shota-san said that they have known each other for about ten years ago. So, I did some calculations and end up thinking that “Maybe... they met in highschool, when they were 17-18 years old.” And when they give an announcement about Seseragi, they said something about “This is about our past, our youth...” so yeah, I got that going for me, which is nice.

<< What do you want to say about the charcters placement in the story? >>

Eh? Ah... why I make Shota-san as a senior and Adam as his kouhai? Well, I just got some “Yaoi stereoptype”, that’s all. /slapped/

<< In the Story, Adam got into a fight with his senpais, what kind of impression did you want to show us from this scene? >>

Honestly, I want to destroy your –my reader- imaginations about this angelic-tamed-like personalities in Adam’s  Character, AHAHAHA I’m sorry. Because~ you know~ I want to make this fanfict as real as possible, and contains a lot of facts in it too, so the whole story won’t be my  imaginary plot only, that’s why I do a lots of research before I write something.

Like, back there, in the story, I explained how Shota-san’s room looked like, there was a Piano, it’s because Shota-san can play Piano. And about his favorite guitar, it was because in some photos, he always bring the same guitar.
<< Any Special announcement? >>

Huh? I don’t think this is special and important enough to be read XD
But oh well, I’m gonna tell you something~

I have another fanfict project, and of course~ it’s still in ADAMS fandom XD
The title is, “My Love Bullet That Shoot Through Your Heart.” Long, isn’t it? XD
And from the title, I think you can guess what will the fanfict be about, right? Tehee~ =w=

Okay minna~~ that’s five, I guess it’s enough~ =w=)//

If you have another questions, you can ask me by write in on “Let’s Chat~!!” widget, or comment, or Twitter, that’s up to you~~  Jaa  ^^)//

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