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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmasuu and Happy New Year minna-san~!!! >w<)//

Muehuehuehuehue~~~ OwO)//

Oh wait, why did I open this post with such nasty laugh? well, Merry Christmasuu and Happy New Year for everybody~!! I hope 2014 will be a real productive year for me! and so for everyone! XDD

Btw, have you seen ADAMS Special Christmas Gift? IT'S JUST WONDERFUL AND I GOT EARGASM ALL THE WAAY~~~ lol, you can watch it here >> ADAMS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT

And for everyone whose kindly wasting your time to visit this nasty my blog, I LOVE YOU I REALLY DO. so, here are my gift for you photos~ =w=)// YES. as you can see. it's not only the blog that ugly.

OKAY. enough with smiles and Santa's hat.

Nee~ readers~ once again Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru 2014 ^^)//
semoga tahun depan ADAMS bisa dateng ke Indonesia ya XDD amin~ 
Jaa! ^^)//

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


~Forever Sweet Chocolate~

Hello~ ^^)//
Thanks a lot for read my posts and check my blog out~ I’m nothing without you (~  =w=)~

Now, I’m gonna reveal some facts about Forever Sweet Chocolate and maybe, a little things about myself too. Okay now, lets start~!! ^^)//

<<Firstly, is it your first time to write ADAMS Fanfiction? >>

No, actually not. I’ve write two different stories before but, Forever Sweet Chocolate is the only story that got a nice progress XD
My other stories are “HIGHFeeL  Story”  it’s a comedy, and “Kimi no Sei”  it’s an angst, a SongFict, actually~

<< Why did you choose “Highschool boys” as a theme for this fanfict? >>

Oh that’s—it’s because in an interview, Shota-san said that they have known each other for about ten years ago. So, I did some calculations and end up thinking that “Maybe... they met in highschool, when they were 17-18 years old.” And when they give an announcement about Seseragi, they said something about “This is about our past, our youth...” so yeah, I got that going for me, which is nice.

<< What do you want to say about the charcters placement in the story? >>

Eh? Ah... why I make Shota-san as a senior and Adam as his kouhai? Well, I just got some “Yaoi stereoptype”, that’s all. /slapped/

<< In the Story, Adam got into a fight with his senpais, what kind of impression did you want to show us from this scene? >>

Honestly, I want to destroy your –my reader- imaginations about this angelic-tamed-like personalities in Adam’s  Character, AHAHAHA I’m sorry. Because~ you know~ I want to make this fanfict as real as possible, and contains a lot of facts in it too, so the whole story won’t be my  imaginary plot only, that’s why I do a lots of research before I write something.

Like, back there, in the story, I explained how Shota-san’s room looked like, there was a Piano, it’s because Shota-san can play Piano. And about his favorite guitar, it was because in some photos, he always bring the same guitar.
<< Any Special announcement? >>

Huh? I don’t think this is special and important enough to be read XD
But oh well, I’m gonna tell you something~

I have another fanfict project, and of course~ it’s still in ADAMS fandom XD
The title is, “My Love Bullet That Shoot Through Your Heart.” Long, isn’t it? XD
And from the title, I think you can guess what will the fanfict be about, right? Tehee~ =w=

Okay minna~~ that’s five, I guess it’s enough~ =w=)//

If you have another questions, you can ask me by write in on “Let’s Chat~!!” widget, or comment, or Twitter, that’s up to you~~  Jaa  ^^)//

Monday, December 9, 2013


~Forever Sweet Chocolate~
Final Chapter
Genre : Romance/Yaoi/M


‘Clink~ Clink~ Clink~ Clink~’

Di tengah keramaian, suara sendok yang  membentur cangkir teh ini terdengar lebih nyaring.  Seorang laki-laki berambut coklat duduk sendirian di tengah cafe, hanya sebuah cangkir teh penuh yang ia aduk - sejak minuman itu sampai ke mejanya -  yang menjadi temannya, terlihat jelas, ia sedang menunggu seseorang.


                ‘Apakah... ini waktunya?’

                Aku tak bisa berhenti memikirkan itu, setiap kali terlintas, jantungku berdebar kencang dan aku mulai panik, entah mengapa. Bahkan, aku tak berani melihat kesekitar ku.


~Forever Sweet Chocolate~
Cast : ADAM & HIGHFeel JAPAN crew
Genre : Romance/Yaoi/M


“Nnh... Ahh...”
                Desahan Adam memenuhi ruangan ini, lidah ku tak berhenti memanjakan nya.
                “Shota... nh!”  Adam melepas ciumanku.


                “Hah... hah, berhenti... sekarang...”

                “.... Kenapa? Kita baru mulai.”

                “Iya karena itu,” Adam turun dari pangkuanku. “Sebelum terlalu jauh...  kita... kembali ke pelajaran. Uwaah~?!”